What if there was someone who would meet you right where you are?

Find a team member that best fits you.

Remarkably Luminous was born in the hearts of Rachael and Rebekah long before they knew it was a dream. As they journeyed through life, each on their own path, they shared a passion for self-discovery and reflection. As their journeys converged and diverged, they continued to share their growth and understanding about life and the mysteries they were only beginning to understand. They have shared their highs and lows, their fears and sorrows, their joys and hopes. They have found in themselves a spark of creativity and courage that they want to share with the world. Loving themselves well and being enough, that’s a discovery worth making; and they want to share it with you.

Remarkably Luminous is the culmination of Rachael and Rebekah’s years of experience. From corporate power houses, to mom and aunt, from world travelers, to small time goat herders, from friends and mentors, to business owners, and fellow journey-women, they invite you to join them in the epic adventure of uncovering who you really are, connecting with yourself, and being more than enough for yourself.

Who We Are

Our team


Rebekah Needham

Rebekah is an adventurer at heart. She discovered her love of wholeness during her many travels and exploration of her own healing journey. For Rebekah, wholeness looks like living fully present with herself and on her odyssey. Pursuing Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical well-being enabled her to be the best version of herself possible. Rebekah has spent more than 20+ years going after these very things. From mentors and counselors to family and friends - the greatest impacts on Rebekah’s life have been people who created a safe space for her to connect, learn, grow, and step into living fully present. Her greatest desire is to create that same space for you to connect, learn, and grow into the best version of yourself - living fully present in the life you envision.


Rachael Needham

Rachael is a career woman, mom, friend, feminist, egalitarian, and budding author. As a believer in spirit-led-self, and champion of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health, Rachael has pursued these things relentlessly in her own life. From international travels, to single parenting twins, to IT professional, to C-suite executive, to book author, to friend, Rachael has searched for truth in herself and others. With over 24+ years of experience, she brings all of her compassion, kindness, and curiosity into everything she does. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Remarkably Luminous, Rachael desires to see you living in complete wholeness in every aspect of your life. She invites you connect, grow, and step into the whole, healthy, radiant individual you are.

Get started with Remarkably Luminous, today.